Sunday, July 07, 2002

Here’s how to use Geocities for linking to your pics:

Let’s suppose that you are using fobbinptom as your Geocities id. First of all go to and sign in using your id and password. Then click on the link called ‘Easy Upload’. Click on the 'Browse' button and choose the file(s) on your computer that you’d like to upload. Next, click on the ‘Upload Files’ button. You’re done. The web address of the file you have uploaded (eg, mypicture.jpg), will be

You can check if it has worked by typing that address into your browser address bar and seeing if the pic comes up. If it works, you can link to this picture from any webpage including Salon like you did with Dali’s pics.

Your earlier attempt I suppose did not work because you tried to link from your mail account, the files in which can be accessed only on the computer on which you are signed in.

Hope you get it right now.